学术报告:Using Thermophysics Approach to Tackle Energy Storage Challenges
报告题目:Using Thermophysics Approach to Tackle Energy Storage Challenges
The combination of energy shortage and climate change is one of the most complex challenges the world, as a whole, has had to face. The next 50 years is a vital period for human civilization and it is imperative that we revolutionize the way we produce and store energy and incorporate renewables as our primary source of energy. This talk will provide a snapshot of the future of the sustainable energy landscape and identify several game-changing technologies that will facilitate the widespread deployment of renewables. In particular, we will highlight our recent advances in fuel cell, lithium-air battery and redox flow battery technologies achieved through an interdisciplinary approach that combines thermo-fluids science and electrochemistry. The scientific issues and practical challenges pertaining to fuel cells and advanced batteries will be discussed, with a particular emphasis on how the challenges can be addressed in a collaborative manner.
赵天寿,香港科技大学工程及环境学冠名讲席教授、机械及航空航天工程系讲座教授(Chair Professor)、香港科大能源研究院院长、香港科大高研院资深学人、美国机械工程师学会(ASME) Fellow、英国皇家化学学会(RSC) Fellow、国家级高层次人才。曾获Croucher资深研究成就奖、两次国家自然科学二等奖、香港科大工程学杰出研究成就奖。入选2014、2015、2016、2017全球高被引科学家和最有影响力科学思想名录。
赵教授长期致力于工程热物理及新能源领域的基础与应用研究。在微纳流动与传热、电池储能理论、以及燃料电池和液流电池等电池储能技术研发方面取得了系统的创新性重要成果。在国际权威学术期刊发表SCI论文332篇,SCI引用12,000余次,h因子62,37篇论文为ESI高被引论文,3篇论文获Elsevier高被引论文奖(Most Cited Article Award)。出版英文专著5部、中英文专著章节9篇。受邀在美国机械工程师学会、国际可持续能源技术等重要国际学术会议上作主题/特邀报告69次。在国际学术界,赵教授担任国际期刊Applied Thermal Engineering主编、英国皇家化学学会系列丛书Energy & Environment Series共同主编、Science Bulletin执行主编,并担任包括Energy & Environmental Science (影响因子29)、Journal of Power Sources等10个能源与化学类权威国际学术期刊的顾问编委。